About me

I teach 6th grade Math and Science at a Charter school in the suburbs of Boston.  We have  230 kids in the school; 50 in the 6th grade, so that’s 25 per Advisory, or Homeroom. I’m lucky with a small class, and in each grade, we have a Special Education Inclusion Specialist who functions as a co-teacher.  I am the Faculty Advisor to the Astronomy Club; we host a “Star Party” each year with a local amateur astronomy club and we have our own set of telescopes.  I also coach the Science Olympiad team which competes in the Regionals every March.

This blog has content related to mathematics, science or math/science education, or education theory in general. I write it primarily for consumption by my fellow science and math teachers, looking for feedback on classes, labs, curriculum.  My sources are cited where convenient, and much of which can be found on the blogroll.  The level of content ranges from middle school to graduate; some of it is pedagogical, some of it is topic-specific. I’m flattered that you’re following me.

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